America’s Independence Day — Some thoughts about Freedom

I thought it was a nice day to blog on America’s Independence Day. This day reminds me to be grateful for those who have come before — generations in the past who fought to make the United States of America a better place. While I try not to be publicly political, those who know me know that I am a quiet activist. I grew up with a lot of prejudice, bullying, and verbal abuse like a lot of children did back then and continue to experience today. I was one of the fortunate ones; I became strong and was not destroyed.  I still have my scars.  I think in some cases, it has made me a better person — able to help others and feel their pain.  While some things change, many things do not.

America was founded on the desire for religious freedom and the principle that “all men are created equal.” I’d like to change that (with the times we live in) to “All people are created equal.” Men and women, regardless of their gender orientation or preference and religious beliefs, etc. should be allowed to live as they choose providing they do no harm to other individuals.  All people should be allowed the freedom to worship as they choose.  I also believe that it is not only a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body, I also believe others should be granted that right as well. I know if some of the politicians had to go through what many women do, perhaps things might be different.  Because of my parents and the spiritual counseling I do as an intuitive, I AM NOT a judgemental person when I am reading Tarot, palms, seashells or channeling information for someone. My goal is to provide information so they can do what they need to do to make their lives better. I call that entertainment, enlightenment and empowerment.

I used to work at the American Medical Association first in Medical Student Services, covering someone’s maternity leave, and again in Practice Management in the 1980s.  I witnessed Medical Students when they first lobbied for an individuals’ right to die with dignity. They fought a hard battle. Because of their efforts, “DO NOT RESUSCITATE” aka “DNR”passed and is with us today. We have the opportunity to decide when and if we do not want extraordinary measures taken to prolong our lives.  That, in my opinion, was a wonderful legal victory for the medical students and society.

Because of the work I do in the spiritual and practical realm — living in two places at the same time, I implore you all to think about the freedom you have in your life today and to stand up to the narrow-minded people who want to run this country into the ground. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE, please. Let women be allowed to get birth control or abortions, if necessary and have it be on their insurance plan. To take away a woman’s  right to choose whether or not to avoid an unwanted pregnancy or to terminate one puts their lives at risk.  It diminishes  all of the progress our country has made since 1776.  Women are no longer property.  Let me ask this, would the Presidents or CEOs of those companies, who put their religious beliefs in their company’s insurance policy, want to either pay for the birth control pills or abortions for his employees because of his religious beliefs?  Better yet, will he pay to support the children that will inevitable be born because he has allowed his beliefs to impact the workplace?  I think not.

One more thought on this day of independence…from my heart to yours, please fight in your own way, to stop narrow-minded, intolerant, religious people from enforcing their beliefs on the rest of the world?  Let’s bring back freedom the way our forefathers’ intended. SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE. Let us connect to our personal beliefs in a manner that sets us free and allows others to be free as well — Tolerance and acceptance of the beliefs of others.

Do what you can to change the world and make it a better place for the next generation. That’s what my parents did during WWII.  I present to you, on this American Independence Day, a call to action.    May you feel free inside your heart and soul no matter what your journey.  Your comments and thoughts are greatly appreciated.

About Davida Rappaport

Davida Rappaport is an internationally known Psychic/Clairvoyant Entertainer, Speaker, Spiritual Counselor, and Tarot Instructor. AS AN ENTERTAINER: She has over 25 years of experience reading Tarot cards, palms and objects for all types of events--the party circuit. AS A SPEAKER: She lectures on personal growth and how to deal with change, transformation and obstacles. AS A SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR: She identifies character traits and patterns, issues, blockage, change and transformation. She provides practical information and tools for her clients in order to help them improve their lives. AS A TAROT INSTRUCTOR: She is able to help her students by providing them with a safe environment with which to learn and experiment in order to discover their intuitive gifts reading Tarot. In 2006, she started teaching people how to read Tarot cards at Santa Monica College and Westside Extension as an instructor in their Continuing Education Departments. One of her goals in life is to help remove ignorance in the world when it comes to Tarot and other spiritual beliefs and practices. Highly ethical, she has dedicated her life to using her intuitive gifts to help people.
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