Retrograde Mercury, A Full Moon and Friday the 13th

How do you view this triple-whammy of a day?  I say, Carpe diem!  (Seize the day!)  Forget any and all superstitions that pop into your head!  Nothing is worth putting a dark perspective on things that happen or might happen.  Here’s some food for thought in case you might be hungry.  (A late posting, but good information nonetheless.)

When Retrograde Mercury rolls around, why not do the following:

  1. Look at this time as a chance to perfect your communication skills;
  2. Refocus your head so you do not dwell on anything that upsets you;
  3. Look at what you can resolve during this time;
  4. Be a more defensive driver;
  5. Reach out to someone from your past and let them know how they influenced your life in a positive way;
  6. Tell someone you love them and miss them; and
  7. Be grateful that retrogrades are merely cycles.  Learn to get comfortable with retrograde energy.  It is a necessary part of life on planet earth.

Carpe diem or seize the moment!

If you add a full moon to the Retrograde Mercury energy, say thank you.  You might be overly emotional, frustrated or feeling trapped.  Why not breathe?  It can help stop your mind from spinning, which often intensifies your emotions.  The worst thing you can do is overreact and say or do something you might regret.  Acknowledge your feelings and what may have triggered them.  Feelings are indicators that something is not in balance.  Why not take a few breaths and allow yourself to experience the emotions that are happening in your body.  Don’t try to ignore your feelings or stuff them.  In most cases they will re-surface at an inappropriate time.  When this happens you may say or do something you might regret. Why not reach out to someone you can trust (who will provide a safe environment) and ask them if you can unload, vent, spew, and have your meltdown.  Perhaps they will reach out to you when they need a safe environment and an understanding friend.  Release any emotions that are surfacing today that might be problematic.  Move through them and Carpe diem or seize the moment!

Friday the 13th is just another day.

Why don’t you do what numerologists do?  Add the one and the three together to make four.  Four can signify stability and/or being stuck.  Retrogrades often delay things which can make you and your environment feel stagnant.  Why not use the retrograde energy to clear out whatever you need to clear out so you can feel better — less stagnant or stuck.

All things in life come in cycles.  When something unpleasant happens, why not Carpe diem or seize the moment and turn your day around?  I do.

About Davida Rappaport

Davida Rappaport is an internationally known Psychic/Clairvoyant Entertainer, Speaker, Spiritual Counselor, and Tarot Instructor. AS AN ENTERTAINER: She has over 25 years of experience reading Tarot cards, palms and objects for all types of events--the party circuit. AS A SPEAKER: She lectures on personal growth and how to deal with change, transformation and obstacles. AS A SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR: She identifies character traits and patterns, issues, blockage, change and transformation. She provides practical information and tools for her clients in order to help them improve their lives. AS A TAROT INSTRUCTOR: She is able to help her students by providing them with a safe environment with which to learn and experiment in order to discover their intuitive gifts reading Tarot. In 2006, she started teaching people how to read Tarot cards at Santa Monica College and Westside Extension as an instructor in their Continuing Education Departments. One of her goals in life is to help remove ignorance in the world when it comes to Tarot and other spiritual beliefs and practices. Highly ethical, she has dedicated her life to using her intuitive gifts to help people.
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